
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Athletics - Term 4 2014

Athletics, a time of sport and a day of fun always happens yearly. Usually its unlikely it would rain on athletics day. If it does the chart will be changed. On that day, the exact opposite of a good day happened.

It rained right before athletics started. The grass was extremely wet and slippery. For a time, people started to think athletics was going to be postponed to another day.

Mr Burt decided to do half of athletics and set the rest till another day.
It wasn’t as fun as a normal athletic day considering how wet and muddy the grass.

Surprisingly enough, the grass cleared up of its wetness. It was still a bit damp but wasn’t really slippery anymore. Javelin, shot put, sprinting,
high jump, and discus were the subjects. Javelin was one of my most favourite subjects of athletics.  

Athletics term 4 2014 was an okay day, the day just needed more sun and less wetness then the day would be just a fine day

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