
Friday, May 9, 2014

Immersion Assembly 2014

School starts at a fine day. The holidays are over, and now starts a new beginning . As we stomp down the hall, upon the stage was the topic. “Sound” is the topic we will be following this year.

Like always, we would start the first day of school with an Immersion assembly. Its all about sound, physics, and science.
We are all focusing on different  topics.

Here are some favorite highlights. Team 1 are all taking a trip to the zoo on Tuesday the 6th of may 2014 which is tomorrow. Team 2 Are talking all about flight, airplanes, thrust, drag, and gravity. And the best would be team 5, with their performance of  sound and music using odd instruments.

A special thanks to all the teachers for performed examples of the topic for this term

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