
Thursday, February 20, 2014

What is a netbook and how is it used

What is a netbook? it is a technical electronic learning tool or simply small computer which is called a netbook are complex and could be used for work or research in school. We go online to do blogging and planning.

What are the parts? The parts on a netbook are simple, similar to a normal laptop but has less. It has a screen, battery, USB slot, charger slot, a touch pad, headphone slot, built in speakers. And all the simple parts it would need.

How does it work? You can use the internet to go on math websites like Maths whizz, Xtra maths, Studdyladder, or write using google drive. Then when you have finished your writing you post it on your blog where you can post your writing.

Extra details and interesting topic: If your netbook malfunctions then you will need to reimage it. Reimaging means resetting your netbook files meaning all your stuff that you put on will be deleted. First you will need A reimaging stick. You can get one from a teacher.

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